Time has come to make it happen !
After two years of waiting here it came time for Color Warz to return to lights in a fabulous Artbook.
We hired all our expertise to offer you a beautiful book.
The Kickstarter campaign has been launched with the aim to bring 20,000€.
This target is ambitious but there is still much work to carry out this edition and meets our expectations. No surprise, we anonce what we need to work in decent conditions over the six months to come.
You know, despite all the good will in the world, we can not do anything without your support (no, I do not think about Dark Threat campaign) then this is the time to support us!
Like our news, share them and talk about Color Warz - Khroma around you.
The future of this great project (and others to come) is now in your hands.
See you soon I hope to announce the funding of the campaign !