Color Warz campaign ends on Kickstarter
Hello to all of you,
So, this is it. Even with all these efforts, we did not reached our goal.
First of all, I would like to thank you for staying with us until the end, that was not easy.
Die was cast since the 72 first hours but we did all we can to change these perspectives. Don't be sad, we made a great campaign in backstage and we learned a lot.
We made important changes during the campaign that were not planned before the launch to test your needs such as adding miniatures. We have new opportunities now.
We also prepared this campaign with partners that hasn't supported us back. This is one of the reasons we made an important delay to start with a too high funding goal.
This is our falt. We should had to trust ourselves and to make everything by ourselves. We got it now. We also identified many other points to correct for next time and we will fix it.
At the same time, we received unexpected support as BooQC Publishing, ISART Digital and almost okiWoki. I personally know each of these partners for about 10 years each. We should have to continue building something great with them.
So this is hard, for sure, but we haven't made all this things for nothing. Be ensure of that.
We will continue to discuss with these partners to came back more efficient in few month.
Keep believing Color Warz and what we do. I received many motivating messages by PM and I would like to thank you and my incredible team such as our two illustrators : Maxime and Kevin that did their best to make it happen and also Gael, KS exclusives sculptor and Christophe, our painter Florian Belmonte for his amazing work on our video and for sure, our missing friend Giuseppe.
At last Antoine from BooQC Publishing for our weekly point, our daily revue and his traductions. Nicolas, Color Warz co author for his trust along this 10 past years and Matthieu and Stevens, FLUO Games associates for their support and advices.
And for sure my wife and my son(s) ?
Oh I forgot to tell you that i'll be dad for the second time in october.
Maybe of a Paint Oki ;)
So definitely stay optimistic regarding Color Warz and FLUO Craft future.
We will come back stronger. Stay tuned on :
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FLUOCraft/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/FLUOCraft
Website : http://www.fluocraft.fr/en/
All the best to you,